I could live to 100

I could live to 100

Or 93 according to the Living to 100 web site It’s a really interesting assessment to do, and better if you can add accurate blood pressure and cholesterol readings. You also get a detailed report for how to add years with suggestions. For a free assessment I highly...
The impact of Covid

The impact of Covid

I was asked for my views on this article: The impact of COVID-19 on thinking about and planning for retirement. It was written in October, 2021 and 18 months on things may have changed. Back then there was plenty of things I still avoided, such as live gigs with...
The Need for a time out

The Need for a time out

In this video I chat about the need to get time to chill and recharge and for you to consider what works for you? In this video I chat about the need to get time to chill and recharge and for you to consider what works for you? I want you to find a way to find peace,...