About Dr Denise
Dr Denise Taylor
Elder, Adventurer, Vision Quest Guide, Award Winning Coach and Author.
I guide, I inspire, I coach
I was born in 1957 but age is just a number. Few of us will have a conventional retirement, loving (and living) life is much more fun.
I work with people with the energy and passion to want more, to feel fulfilled and to have the life they want. It doesn’t have to be a traditional path. You could plan for a life without paid work, whatever works best for you. And no choice is forever, we can change at any time.
I’ve gained a strong reputation for working with people in mid to later life. I’m the Author of Find Work at 50+ and the forthcoming Rethinking Retirement for Positive Ageing, regularly featured in the press (e.g., Saga Magazine) writing on issues including retirement, later life, careers, goal setting and healthy living.
Now I’m Dr Taylor, I’m seen as an expert in the field of meaningful ageing and life after full time work. I can work with you to move through a transition and into a satisfying and fulfilling life. My next book, Rethinking Retirement will be published on 8 November 2023.
I have a deep connection to nature. Balance is important in my life and to the work I do with clients. and now offer nature awareness days, nature retreats and support people through a Vision Quest. I also help people to fully understand who they using deep imagery.
My Academic Credentials
A strong academic background to support the experiential training I have also undertaken. This includes a Professional Doctorate in Occupational Psychology (London University); Qualified as a Deep Imagery Practitioner; MBA, MSc Occupational Psychology, Diploma in Performance Coaching and 2:1 Honours degree in Psychology.
I won 2 National Career Awards (2007 and 2009) and have trained with Anthony Robbins (Mastery University), Modern Elder Academy (MEA), Deepak Chopra, Gerard Egan and many more.
Diplomas in: Stress Management, Humanistic Counselling, Qualified as a Personal Branding Strategist and Social Branding Analyst with Reach and I am a Certified LinkedIn Profile Writer.
Qualified to use the: Highlands Ability Battery, 15FQ, MBTI (advanced practitioner), Firo B and Firo Elements, Strong Interest Interest, and many more.
I am also an experienced Vision Quest Guide. I was in apprenticehip to David Wendl-Berry and continue to support him in his work.
Rethinking Retirement – next book – out on 8 November 2023
Rethinking Retirement for Positive Ageing is a practical guide that shows you how to make retirement successful, based on the most up-to-date research available. It encourages a deeper and wider view of retirement and reveals how retirement can be a time of transition, renewal, and re-imagination.
Written by career coach Dr Denise Taylor, it considers the psychological factors that impact a successful adjustment to retirement and offers a deeper analysis of how people can find meaning and purpose after full-time work. It examines retirement as an event that often brings about great changes in a person’s personal and social life, and how to move forward with meaning in life. Illustrated with interviews, activities, and case studies, and with exercises and questions for reflection, it covers key topics including identity, health, well-being, finances, and relationships.
This insightful guidebook is for all prospective and current retirees as well as employers, careers professionals, and counsellors who want to help people reflect on their approaches to retirement.
My Other Books
Other books include:
Find Work at 50+
The complete guide to finding work for anyone aged 50 and over. Helping readers to refocus and build confidence in the job market, the contents include getting in the right mind set, establishing clear goals, social media, networking, CV writing, interviews, stereotypes and how to deal with them, and self-employment
Find Your Dream Job
This supports you through all the stages of finding your perfect job – from organisation and preparation to the different ways to implement a job search campaign. In a challenging job market you need to create a resumé that will sell you, and to be well prepared for interview.
- 17th Century Wedding Customs, August 1997
- Winning Interview Answers for First-time Job Hunters, September 2005
- How to Get a Job in a Recession, 1st edition, March 2009
- Now You’ve Been Shortlisted, August 2010
- How to Get a Job in a Recession, 2nd edition, October 2011
- Fat to Fantastic, January 2012
- Find Your Dream Job, January 2013
- You’re Hired – Find Work At 50+, March 2016
Why me?
- At 60 I decided to end my marriage and sell the house of my dreams.
- At 61 I completed my first Vision Quest – a life changing rite of passage which included 4 days (and nights) in nature with no food and just a tarp for shelter.
- At 62 I started studying for my doctorate.
- At 63 I met a man who shared my love of nature and within 6 months we had bought a wood, and look forward to our future together. I also completed my 2nd Vision Quest.
- At 64 I became Dr Denise Taylor – not bad for someone who left school at 15 with 4 O levels.
- At 65 I signed a contract to write a book with Routledge, learned how to design this website and know I have an exciting future ahead.
With my doctorate, I’ve spent 3 years researching how people make successful transitions to retirement, I know what you need to consider, and can be your guide into this next stage of life. As my examiners said to me, at my viva, you are the expert now.
I am loving this stage of life, embracing ageing and want to guide you on your journey to make the ‘retirement years’ your best years.
I also have a deep connection with nature so come join us for a nature awareness day or retreat at our private wood.
More about me ...
This is me, solo traveller in Nepal. Loving meeting local people.
I love spending time in the wood, wild camping, bushcraft …
I love to travel I want to properly experience different cultures and create lasting memories. Turning 60 I faced my fears and did the Harbour Bridge Climb. Turning 50 I backpacked in India over both Christmases and did a camping safari in Namibia for my birthday adventure.
Arrange an initial consultation
You know you can make better progress with professional support. Don’t wish things were different. We are where we are – let’s live a life without regret. We can’t change the past, but we can create a fabulous future.