I share inspirational experiences like this as we are more than work. Happy in work comes from being happy in your life.
I got up at 0330, and by 0400 had parked my car. Boots already on I walked 2km to reach the most picturesque viewpoint on Cleeve Hill. This isn’t the ‘trig point’ – the highest point in the Cotswold escarpment which I walked to later. That does not have the best views.
I wasn’t alone. About 20 people there including children. It was a cloudy sky, so I didn’t get the beautiful sunrise I had seen yesterday, but no matter.
Once the sun was up, I started walking. Slowly, with intention. I had a question, an issue that I wanted to focus on. I didn’t want to focus like in a business context, but to have this question in the back of my mind and see if I got any clues from nature.
I regularly hike in the hills, walking fast, like I want to get it over. This time I walked more slowly and properly looked. At the sky – a bird flying overhead, down below at insects. Looking at flowers and leaves move with the wind.

I followed a route I’d not gone before, not knowing where I would end up. It was cold, but I’d dressed for the weather.
I walked another way and looked for some where to rest. I’d considered taking a chair, decided I didn’t want to be carrying one around, so packed a bin bag. I found some raised ground, sheltered by gorse. And sat. And wrote. What ever came into my head.
My phone was switched off, so I had no idea of time. I had no specific length of time to stay out.
But it got busier – first the dog walkers, who were quiet, but lots of them. Then the mountain bikers, and families, and noise. So much noise.
It was hard to be silent and look within.
In time I decided enough and walked back to the car. It was just gone midday. I’d been out for 8 hours.
Back home I had a couple of cups of tea, put on some music and read. A quiet afternoon.
The Sound Bath
Then at 6pm I settled down on my bed for a sound/gong bath. This was led by Wakes and they have some more sound baths scheduled for the coming weeks. I love these, have been to a few locally and always avail myself of these at festivals. It takes me into a state close to bliss. Deep relaxation and a feeling of calmness.
You can experience it for yourself via this link
It’s rare for any of us to have a day of nothing. This was part of a mass event. We’d met online on Friday evening to discuss the day. We then met again on Sunday afternoon to discuss. This was a small group. All the better as it gave us time to talk.
The Sunday de-brief
This allowed us to make sense of the weekend.
We had different experiences. It didn’t always go as planned, and some would have liked more active involvement with people. I was pleased I’d stated my intention. It gave me focus for the day.
We introduced ourselves and along with our name and location said one word – mine was ACCEPTING.
In small groups we then shared our experience and what we learned from this.
Back in the full group we discussed what we commit to doing from now.
There were comments about people and technology. About how nice it is to slowly start the day rather than to reach for the phone.
My plan
To make the first Sunday of each month a mostly technology free day, a quiet day to read, walk, listen to music. Take time just to be.
I would also like at least a day a month where I spend most of the day in nature, walking with intention, just me and my journal and pen. Maybe writing poetry. Who knows …I want this to be a weekday when there are less people around.
This was a lovely weekend, and thanks to the guys who set this up. Read more about a day of nothing here
This was first published on the Amazing People website on 21 June 2020