Taking things slowly

Taking things slowly

Hi, it’s Dr. Denise, down in the wood, and I’m just taking things slowly. I’ve been here for a few hours. I’m just listening to the birds and it’s so nice and peaceful. And I know at home I could just sit quietly and read a book, but there are...
Why I wrote my latest book

Why I wrote my latest book

At 61 I started my doctorate, researching how people find meaning in life after full time work, and what are the psychological factors that help. I hadn’t done any academic studies since 1998 when I completed my MBA. I didn’t think I’d be accepted as there is such...
A letter from my 70-year-old self

A letter from my 70-year-old self

Today I’m 66. This is the day I get my state pension. A year ago, I spent my birthday reflecting at my wood. Reading poems and notes sent by friends. Watch the video here. This year I’m going away for a few days with my partner, visiting Hawkstone Follies, which I...
Taking things slowly

Time for a review

Hi, it’s Dr. Denise Taylor and I’m here at the wood and I wanted to talk to you about a review of the year. Now, generally you would do this at the six-month mark, but a bit like New Year’s resolutions you can do them at any time. And if we look back...
What type of active ager are you?

What type of active ager are you?

Most of us are, or want to be active agers, but what do we mean by that? We can be active in different ways and whilst for some it could be training for a triathlon there are many others ways we could feel we meet with this title. Let’s start with the first one. I’ve...
Taking things slowly


 Hi, it’s Dr. Denise Taylor down at the Wood. And I want you to thrive, not just survive. I think there’s a book somewhere that I’ve read with a title around that. Anyway, I used to know somebody and his standard answer to: how are you getting on?...