Media appearances include:
Let’s have a better life – access your free life audit here.
Sign up and receive ‘The Life Audit’ – your guide to loving your life. This is sold at £25 and my gift to you.
Are you ready for retirement?
I’m Dr Denise Taylor, I provide evidence-based retirement coaching. At 64 I was awarded my doctorate for researching what makes a successful retirement, I’ve been running Pre-Retirement Seminars since 1985 and regularly discuss this topic on the radio. Rethinking Retirement, based on my academic research will be published on 8 November 2023.
Most people focus on the financial side of retirement, will there be enough money for their future life. Whilst money is important, your life will change significantly and planning for the non-financial aspects of life is essential.
You are now considering your future
- Do I want a clean break and opt for a conventional retirement?
- How will I find meaning and purpose without my work?
- Do I stay in my current work, find something different or make a more radical change?
Not easy decisions to make when you are seen as successful. In the back of your head is the voice that says – is this it? Is this what my life is all about. If I don’t make a change soon, will I later live with regret? I get you.
Nature based work
Nature Awareness Days
Spending time in nature, away from technology, gives us time to reflect on what’s important. Many of the answers can be found in the natural world. I provide a space for people to regain their sense of ‘being’ through carefully guided activities and time just ‘to be’.
Nature Based Retreats
We can learn so much through spending time in a natural environment. Away from technology and an endless to do list. Sitting by the campfire, walking amongst the trees. Paying attention to all your senses, being outdoors is a wonderful learning environment.
The Vision Quest
A Vision Quest is a ceremony to facilitate change and to move you from one stage of their life through to the next. It involves preparation, clarity on your intention, solo time out in nature and support to incorporate your experience at base camp and beyond.
One to One Work
Coach and Mentor
You may want to talk through a situation and to explore a dilemma. I offer one to one sessions that can help you on life and career related issues. Most of my work is focused on how people can bring more of themselves into their daily lives so you can show up as your authentic self with the confidence to do this.
Retirement Coaching
For many, work is the centre of our lives, and whilst a life of leisure seems appealing, it is not enough. Let’s work together on how to create the life after full time work that gives you meaning and see how you can make a difference as you move into the role of elder. Available on a one-to-one basis or as an in-house programme.
Deep Imagery
I will guide you into a state of deep relaxation where you will meet guides, often animals to help you to access your deep unconscious. We use the Personal Totem Pole Process, developed by Stephen Gallegos PhD and based on the work of Carl Jung. By going deeper than our level of consciousness we can learn how to heal different areas of our lives.
Hi, I’m Dr Denise Taylor
Elder, Adventurer, Wilderness Guide, Award Winning Coach and Author. I guide, I inspire, I coach.
I work with people with the energy and passion to want more, to feel fulfilled and to have the life they want. Working with me is a great place to make a transition into a new part of your life to move on from the end of a relationship (work or personal) and take time to work out a future that fits you as an individual and your place in society.
PR Campaigns and Media Work
I contribute to PR campaigns providing articles, comments and participate in numerous radio shows. My professional knowledge and down to earth informative style mean I’m a popular contributor to PR Campaigns and my expertise is heard regularly as guest expert on well over 100 radio shows. I’m also regularly quoted in the press.
What my clients say
After a glorious walk through the bluebells, I settled into my first ever coaching session. With the tranquillity of the woodland and the gentle smell of a woodland fire, it was easy to relax into the conversation. Being outside, without being clichéd, felt freeing, and really helped with perspective on things. Thank you, I left with a lovely sense of calm as well as lots of insightful avenues to consider and explore.
Absolutely loved visiting Denise in her fabulous woods … I found the coaching to be an even more thought-provoking session by being immersed in nature, as it gave me chance to switch everything else off and focus on what’s really important … having a cup of tea in the woodland with a gently setting sun as a backdrop felt so restorative… I felt on a high during my drive home with all the ideas and opportunities for change. Thank you, Denise. Highly recommended.
Blog Articles
We all want to have a fulfilled life. I create articles related to meaningful living, elderhood, how we can use nature to gain a deeper understanding about ourselves and to share inspirational tips.
Reflections on being ourselves
Hi, it's Dr. Denise Taylor on this beautiful sunny afternoon in the wood. And this morning I went and visited a different wood and it's really interesting to see what other people are doing. This is a community wood and there was a group of wood owners and...
Time in Nature – Singing with Nightingales
Owning a wood, I enjoy spending quiet time alone with the trees; listening to the sounds of birds and other wildlife. However, I’ve never heard musicians playing along to bird song. I found out about an event Singing with Nightingales, last year on a visit to a...
I’m now on Substack
I've not posted here for a while ... I'm now writing more on Substack. It's a place that encourages writers to create thoughtful articles to share. Once I'm into my rhythm there, I'll alternate between the different sites. On Substack my title is: Rethinking...
Arrange an initial consultation
You know you can make better progress with professional support. Don’t wish things were different. We are where we are – let’s live a life without regret. We can’t change the past, but we can create a fabulous future.