Sharing retirement ‘snacks’
This time I wanted to share some ‘snacks’ related to my retirement research. The Cheltenham Book Launch Party This took place 2-3 weeks ago. It was a celebration with people I know. Some well, some less so. It was more intimate and personal than the online launch. A friend did the filming, and I’d love […]
Your future self at 90
Hi, it’s Dr Denise Taylor, author of Rethinking Retirement for Positive Ageing. By the time I post this up, the book is probably already out. There’s a series of videos that I’ve done, which is all about me, down here in my wood, talking through the book and bringing it alive, rather than you just […]
THIS IS HOW IT STARTED – Step 7 on the path to my next book – finalising the book I’be been sharing how I went from an idea to becoming Dr Taylor and then getting a book deal and writing the book. Along the way I was choosing fonts, book cover, getting people to write an endorsement […]
Rethinking Retirement-Discussing parts 2 & 3 of my book
Hi, it’s Dr Denise Taylor down in my wood, surrounded by trees, looking at the trees on the cover of my book, and I’m going through some of the chapters and bringing it alive because it’s me, the author, talking about them. There’s a previous video where I talk about the introduction and part one, […]
THIS IS HOW IT STARTED – Step 6 on the path to my next book
THIS IS HOW IT STARTED – Step 6 on the path to my next book – writing the book. I’ve written 7 books; I covered this in one of my newsletters. With my career books I write from my head. I don’t need to research, I’m sharing what works with my clients, adding in some depersonalised […]
Rethinking Retirement-Discussing part 1 of my book
Hi, it’s Dr Denise, down the wood, and I just want to talk you through a bit about the book. Now, elsewhere, I’ve got all the chapters listed down, but sometimes it’s nice to hear somebody talk about them. There are 13 chapters altogether, and the first chapter is the introduction, which sets the historical […]
This is how it started – step 5
THIS IS HOW IT STARTED – Step 5 on the path to my next book – planning to share my research through an academic article It was my intention to publish my research in a top end academic article. I talked about this at my viva. My examiners gave me minor corrections to make my thesis […]
This is how it started – steps 3 and 4
THIS IS HOW IT STARTED – Step 3 on the path to my next book – Beginning my doctoral studies. I missed the first meeting of my doctoral cohort as it was the day after I landed in Nepal. I had booked a 3-week solo trip to include time at a Buddhist retreat, a plane […]
This is how it started – steps 1 and 2
This is how it started – step 1 towards my next book I’d been considering a PhD for years – never the right time, and many years ago I asked for sponsorship from my employer (Royal Mail). They said YES to an MBA, no to something less relevant!I had the forms to complete for an […]
Rethinking Retirement – the book bonuses
Hi it’s Denise Taylor. I’m in my wood. It’s Sunday and my book’s coming out on Wednesday. I’m here to clear my head. I’ve got various extras that I’ve created that are for you if you order in the next week, and these include a couple of quizzes because I really like creating quizzes. One […]