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Dr Denise Taylor

13 November 2023


THIS IS HOW IT STARTED – Step 7 on the path to my next book – finalising the book
I’be been sharing how I went from an idea to becoming Dr Taylor and then getting a book deal and writing the book.
Along the way I was choosing fonts, book cover, getting people to write an endorsement for the book. Being very pleased that John Lees offered to write a foreword. He liked my book a lot!
It was a very slick process, going through the editing, addressing queries, sending them off, reading and re-reading. Making sure I thought the book was as good as can be.
The writing process is over. Once I’d made the final changes the book was out of my hands.
But the work isn’t over … it’s time to do marketing. And that’s why I’m sharing these updates and continuing to write my weekly newsletter. I’m less than 2 weeks away from the 2-year anniversary of the first edition of Rethink Retirement, and almost 100 editions.
Time for a break. I’m going to leave all thoughts of promoting my book to one side till Monday. I’m going to step away from technology, read some books, go for a swim and head down to the wood. Photo of my base camp. I’ll be lighting the fire!

List of bonuses

1. Rethinking Retirement workbook containing the main exercises so you don’t have to write in your book, unless you choose to.

2. An online masterclass on Legacy where we will be looking at all aspects of a non-financial legacy. This will be sold after the launch at £37.

3. 30-day gratitude journal. Gratitude is something I write about in the book.

4. Quiz – what kind of friend are you

5. Quiz – what type of active ager are you


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