Trailcam footage

Trailcam footage

The latest from the trailcam, there is some good footage of a fox, and also hare, roe and muntjac deer and some birds from basecamp. We do get animal visitors to base camp – this time a glimpse of a...
Nature as Nurture

Nature as Nurture

Hi, it’s Dr Denise and I’m standing at the edge of our wood. One of the good things about this time of year is you can actually see the field because there’s less leaves in the way. I haven’t been here for a week, and when I came here last...
Sharing retirement ‘snacks’

Sharing retirement ‘snacks’

This time I wanted to share some ‘snacks’ related to my retirement research. The Cheltenham Book Launch Party This took place 2-3 weeks ago. It was a celebration with people I know. Some well, some less so. It was more intimate and personal than the online launch. A...